2 Select a name tag shape Name tags are most often rectangular, though it's your event, so feel free to get creative We offer tons of fun label shapes like hearts, hexagons, scallops, and more For name tag inserts, you'll need to stick with the shape of the plastic holderGrocery Store Name s & Retail Keep customer service a priority in your retail or grocery store Our name tags help essential employees connect with busy shoppers Keep your branding intact by uploading your store logo We have grocery store, farmer's market, and retail name tag templates, or you can create your own Ships next business dayComing up with unique name badge design ideas can be a challenge for graphic designers, since most name badges include the same basic information and have the same basic purpose identification Today's progressive organizations have tired of bland, nonbranding blackandwhite name badges with dimly lit photos, so it's up to you to boost
Name Uw Brand
Name tag design ideas